Pitam se zašto se svaki put kad odem negdje ili kad odem na posao mijenjam kao osoba. Počinjem se skoro ponašati poput njih, razmišljam kao oni, ponašam se poput njih. Moj iman polako nestaje i boli me kad se to dogodi. Da li je to zbog toga što živim u kafirskoj zemlji i radim s kafirima i stalno ih vidim? Molim te pomozi mi.
Original pitanje:
I wonder why every time I go somewhere or when I go to work, I change as a person. I start to almost act like them, think like them, behave like them. My iman slowly disappears and it pains me when that happens. Is it because I live in a kafir country and work with kafirs and see them all the time almost? Please help me.
Okolina ima veliki uticaj na ponašanje čovjeka, pogotovo ako se ne pridržava principa svoje religije i poziva druge prema njoj.
Sheikh Assim Al-Hakeem
Preuzeto sa zvaničnog facebook profila:
Original odgovor:
The environment has a great impact on a person’s behavior especially if he is not abiding by the principles of his religion and calling others to it.