Kada se muškarac razvede od svoje žene, znamo da bi žena trebala uzeti sve što je bio njen mehr (vjenčani dar). A šta je sa poklonima koje su joj dali muževi rođaci, naravno, što nije dio mehra iz ugovora. Da li bi žena trebala vratiti te darove ili ti darovi također pripadaju njoj?
Original pitanje:
When a man divorced his wife, we know that she supposed to take all that was her mahar. What about if mans relatives have given her some gifts of course which is not part of the Mahar written in the contract. Should the lady return those gifts or these gifts also belong to her ?
Ovi pokloni pripadaju njoj i nema potrebe da se vraćaju nakon razvoda.
Sheikh Assim Al-Hakeem
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Original odgovor:
These gifts belong to her and there’s no need to give it back after divorce.