Moj otac je pod pritiskom svoga brata i njegove porodice da im šalje novac. Čak i njegovi nećaci ne poštuju moje roditelje. Moj otac tada ograničava moju mamu da šalje novac njegovoj porodici. Kad god moja mama nešto kupi, on kaže da je novac bačen. Ali on je potrošio MNOGO novca na svog brata i njegovu porodicu, ali ne razmišlja o tome. Ipak su tako nezahvalni i kažu da im moj otac nikad ne pomaže. Je li ispravno to što on radi? I šta da se radi?
Original pitanje:
My dad is pressurized by his bro and bros family to send them money. Even his nephews disrespect my parents. My dad then limits my mom to send his family money. Whenever my mom buys anything he says money is wasted. But he has spent A LOT of money on his bro and bros fam but doesn’t consider that. yet they are so ungrateful and say my dad never helps them. what he is doing is right? And what to do
Ovo je njegov novac i on ima pravo da radi sa njim šta god mu je drago. On s druge strane ne smije favorizirati druge u odnosu na vlastitu ženu i djecu jer su mu oni prioritet.
Odgovorio: Sheikh Assim Al-Hakeem
Preuzeto sa njegovog zvaničnog Facebook profila:
Original odgovor:
This is his money and he has the right to do with it whatever pleases him. He on the other hand must not favor others over his own wife and children as they are his priority.