Dobijam puno zlih misli tokom abdesta i gusula,u gusulu nakon čišćenja dobijem neki iscjedak usred gusula zbog tih zlih misli da li moram to ponovo očistiti ili da nastavim bez čišćenja ovoga?
Original pitanje:
I get lots of evil thoughts during wudu and ghusl,in ghusl after cleaning myself if i get some discharge in the middle of the ghusl because of that evil thoughts do i have to clean that again or should i continue without cleaning this?
Ako ejakulirate spermu, morate ponoviti gusul od nule.
Ali ako je ovo samo mezij, nastavite sa svojim gusulom jer to utiče samo na vaš abdest.
Sheikh Assim Al-Hakeem
Preuzeto sa zvaničnog Facebook profila:
Original odgovor:
If you ejaculate semen, you need to repeat ghusul from scratch.
But if this is only mathi, continue your ghusul as this only affects your wudhu.