Imam 18 godina moje pitanje je da li mogu da nosim super uske helanke za trke na 100,200,400 metara jer postoji pravilo da sportisti moraju da nose šorc iznad koljena i znam da je u islamu muški avret (stidno tijelo) od pupka do ispod koljena i ako nosim odjeću koja je iznad koljena to je haram. Pa moje pitanje je mogu li nositi uske helanke?
Original pitanje:
I am 18 years old my question is can i wear super skin tight leggings for 100 ,200,400 meter races as there is a rule that athletes must wear shorts which are above your knees and i know in islam mens awrah is from navel till below the knees and if i wear clothing which is above the knee its haram. So my question is can i wear a skin tight leggi?
Ovo nije dozvoljeno ako je njihov avret otkriven jer bi tajice otkrile oblik bedara kao da ništa ne nose! To je kao da žene nose helanke.
Odgovorio: Sheikh Assim Al-Hakeem
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Original odgovor:
This is not permissible if their awrah is exposed as tights would reveal the shape of the thighs as if they are not wearing anything! It is like women wearing leggings.