Živim u Norveškoj kao student i trenutno živim sa drugim studentima nemuslimanima. Žele da dijelimo kuhinjski pribor. Ima sumnju da koristim lonce, tanjire, kašike i noževe jer su možda korišteni za kuhanje/jedenje svinjetine. U ovoj situaciji, mogu li koristiti zajednički pribor ili trebam imati svoj?
I live in Norway as a student and currently lives with other non-Muslim students. They want us to share kitchen utensils. I doubt to use the pots, plates, spoons and knives as they might have been used to cook/eat pork. In this situation, can I use the sharing utensils or I should have my own?
Najbolje bi bilo da svoj pribor držite odvojeno, ako to nije moguće, možete koristiti zajednički pribor tako što ćete ga temeljito oprati.
Morate tražiti druge muslimanske studente i pokušati živjeti s njima.
Odgovorio: Sheikh Assim Al-Hakeem
Odgovor preuzet sa njegove zvanične Facebook stranice:
The best would be for you to keep your utensils separate, if this is not possible, you can use the common utensils by washing them thoroughly.
You must look for other muslim students and try to live with them.