Moj muž je zaposlen u banci i ta zarada je haram jer banka radi sa kamatom, je li i meni haram ta zarada?
Original pitanje:
My husband is a bank employee but that income is haram this bank deals with intrest is that money haraam for me also….
Haram novac je samo haram za osobu koja ga zarađuje, a ne za bilo koga drugog. Međutim, trebalo bi da ga posavjetujete o zabrani, ali ako on ne sluša, grijeh je samo na njemu i vi i vaša djeca možete da koristite taj novac.
Sheikh Assim Al-Hakeem
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Original odgovor:
The haram money is only haram for the person earning it and not for anyone else. However, you should advice him about it’s prohibition but if he doesn’t listen, the sin is on him alone and you and your children can use that money.