Može li žena u islamu prekinuti svoje odnose sa svojim djeverom (muževim bratom) zbog njegove manipulativne prirode?
Na primjer, njen zet manipuliše svakim razgovorom svoje snaje i širi to po familiji kako bi je oklevetao zbog ljubomore.
Can a woman in Islam cut off her relations with her brother in law (husband's brother) bcoz of his manipulating nature? For example her brother in law manipulates every talk of his sister in law and spreads in the family to defame her bcoz of jealousy..
Ona ne smije uopće razgovarati s njim jer on za nju nije mahrem. Nema problema da ga bojkotuje.
Odgovorio: Sheikh Assim Al-Hakeem
Odgovor preuzet sa njegove zvanične Facebook stranice:
She must not be talking to him in the first place as he's a non mahram to her. No problem in boycotting him at all.