Moj brat mi je dao neku odeću koja mu više ne treba, ali znam da je novac kojim ju je kupio zarađen haram prihodom. Da li je dopušteno nositi ovu odjeću dok klanjam namaz?
Original pitanje:
My brother has given me some clothes of his that he doesn’t need anymore but I know the money he bought them with was earned by haraam income. Is it permissible to wear these clothes whilst praying salah?
Nema problema u tome ako nije ukradeno! Haram novac je samo haram za osobu koja ga zarađuje, a ne za bilo koga drugog.
Sheikh Assim Al-Hakeem
Preuzeto sa
Original odgovor:
No problem in this unless it was stolen! The haram money is only haram for the person earning it and not for anyone else.