Šejh, je li dovoljeno imati intimni odnos tokom trudnoće? Jedna žena je doživjela pobačaj u četvrtom mjesecu. Neki kažu da se to desilo tokom odnosa u toku trudnoće koja je uočena u dobi od dva mjeseca također.
Original pitanje:
Sheikh is intercourse allowed for a couple during pregnancy ? A female had an abortion in her 4th month. Some say it was due to having intercourse during pregnancy as spotting was seen for 2 months of pregnancy too.
Nema problema imati intimni odnos tokom trudnoće osim ako to doktor zabrani zbog zdravstvenog stanja.
Sheikh Assim Al-Hakeem
Preuzeto sa zvaničnog facebook profila
Original odgovor:
No problem in having intimacy during pregnancy unless the doctor forbids this due to some medical condition.