Da li je u redu ako ne kažemo inšaAllah nemuslimanima za buduće događaje? Kao npr. ponekad u WhatsApp grupi moramo reći da nećemo doći sutra. Bojim se da kažem inšaAllah jer će vjerovatno pomisliti zašto svuda uključujem vjeru.
Is it ok if we don't say inshaAllah to non muslims for future events? Like sometimes in the whatsapp group we have to tell that we will not be coming tomorrow. I fear saying InshaAllah because they will probably think why am I including religion over everywhere.
Čovjek treba biti ponosan na svoju vjeru i govoriti to (inšallah) radi Allaha, a ne zbog njih. Ipak, nema grijeha u tome da to ne kažete.
Odgovorio: Sheikh Assim Al-Hakeem
Odgovor preuzet sa njegove zvanične Facebook stranice:
One should be proud of his religion and say it for the sake of Allah and not for them. There is no sin in not saying it though.