Šeik, osoba klanja, posti, daje mnogo milostinje i takođe ima dobre odnose sa svojom rodbinom, ali sa svojom majkom nije razgovarao više od godinu dana. Neki kažu da čini veliki grijeh, a neki kažu da su sva njegova djela neispravna i ništavna. Što je tačno i šta biste savjetovali takvoj osobi.
Original pitanje:
Sheikh a person prays, fasts, gives a lot in charity and also has good relations with his kith and kin however he hasn’t spoken to his mother for more than an year. Some say he is commiting a major sin and some say all his deeds are void and null. Which is correct and what advice would you give to such a person.
Ono što on radi je veliki grijeh, ali to ne utiče na ostale njegove ibadete. Ipak, onaj ko nije pokoran svojoj majci neće ući u džennet.
Mora se urazumiti, izviniti se svojoj majci i pokajati se Allahu, pokazujući duboko kajanje i iskrenost jer mu Allah nalaže da služi, poštuje i bude pokoran svojim roditeljima!
Odgovorio: Sheikh Assim Al-Hakeem
Odgovor preuzet sa njegove zvanične Facebook stranice:
Original odgovor:
What he is doing is a major sin however this does not impact his other acts of worship. Never the less, he who is not dutiful to his mother will not enter paradise.
He must come to his senses, apologize to his mother and repent to Allah while showing deep remorse and sincerity as Allah mandates upon him to serve, honor and be dutiful towards his parents!