Želeo bih da znam da li je ova tvrdnja tačna:
“Ako riječ ne hvali Allaha, to nije zikr”.
(Primer) Izgovaranje rečenica ispod, kao što govore neke sekte, vi ne hvalite Allaha zato što to nije potpuna rečenica. Allah, Allah, Allah … Allah-hu, Allah-hu, Allah-hu .. Hu, Hu, Hu ..
Original pitanje:
I would like to know if this statement is correct, “If a word does not praise Allah, it is not dhikr”. (Example) Saying the phrases below as said by some sects, you are not praising Allah because it is not a complete sentence. Allah, Allah, Allah.. Allah-hu, Allaah-hu, Allaah-hu.. Hu, Hu, Hu..
Izgovaranje svih ovih riječi (Allah, Allah, hu hu itd.) nije dopušteno i to rade devijantne sufije.
Sheikh Assim Al-Hakeem
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Original odgovor:
Saying these words (Allah, Allahu, hu hu etc) are all not permissible and done by deviant Sufis.