Šejk često izlazimo i ponekad se nađemo u mesdžidu gdje nema ženske sekcije za molitvu. Pošto se moj muž mora pridružiti džematu on parkira auto u pravcu kible i ja se molim u autu. Da li je u redu to učiniti ili je moja molitva nevažeća?
Original pitanje:
Shaikh often we go out and sometimes we find a masjid where there is no women’s section to pray. Since my husband has to join in congregation, he leaves and parks his car in the direction of the qibla and I pray in the car. Is it okay to do that or my prayer is invalid?
To nije dozvoljeno. Morate izaći iz automobila i klanjati stojeći okrenuti prema kibli.
original odgovor:
This is not permissible. You must get out of the car and pray while standing and facing the qiblah.
Sheikh Assim Al-Hakeem
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